Working With Your Employees

Four Ways To Make Your Direct Marketing Campaigns More Effective

The effectiveness of direct marketing is about more than just a catchy campaign slogan; it's also about efficiency. The more efficient you are in delivering your marketing materials to your targeted audience, the more effective your efforts. Learn some strategies you can apply to improve the effectiveness of your direct marketing efforts.

Don't Waste Resources

An unsettling thing about being a business owner is embracing the idea that not everyone will need, or even like, the services or products you offer. However, the quicker you realize and embrace this idea, the less likely you are to waste your efforts. Make sure you know who is not within your demographic so that you don't spend your time and resources contacting individuals who aren't likely to perform a transaction with your company.

Invest in a Folder Inserter

Research your options for a folder inserter. Whether you send tri-fold brochures or letters, folding the papers you send out is incredibly time-consuming. A folder inserter can fold all your documents for mailing in a fraction of the time it would usually take someone to fold the papers by hand. In addition to your direct mail marketing campaigns, you can use the folder machine for documents you circulate in-house as well. You can contact local suppliers to find folder inserters for sale so you can start using one soon. 

Reach Out More Than Once

Direct mail campaigns are effective, but you can also go further with your efforts. Once you send out your mailings, you should also consider reaching out to the potential customer more than once. For example, if you also have their email or phone number, you can send a message to let them know that they should be expecting a coupon or other marketing material in the mail. The more you reach out, the more you keep your company's name in the forefront of their mind.

Monitor Patterns

Look for patterns with your campaigns. For example, maybe your customers respond better to member-only sales days than they do to a buy one get one free coupon. To make your efforts more efficient, you want to send out mailings that have been proven to be effective in the past. Make sure you regularly monitor trends to see what works and stick with the recipes that have delivered you the greatest level of success. This step will save you time and money.

Follow these tips to get more from your campaign. The more effective your campaign, the greater the potential for the success of your company.